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Sports Tutor TriplePlay Basic (Baseball)

Sports Tutor TriplePlay Basic (Baseball) 


Sports Tutor
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Sports Tutor TriplePlay Basic (Baseball) (Model #sttpbbb)

The TriplePlay Basic pitching machine throws FASTBALLS, SINKERS, CURVES and SLIDERS at speeds from 30 to 80 MPH.


Visibility- The baseball is visible from the time it leaves the feeder’s hand until it is pitched, unlike two-wheel pitching machines in which the ball is hidden by the throwing wheels before being pitched. This allows the hitter to more
naturally time the pitches.

Accuracy- TriplePlay Basic’s three-wheel pitching mechanism is more accurate than two wheels because more gripping surface is put on the ball.

Time- The three-wheel design requires significantly less movement of the throwing mechanism to produce different pitches than does a two-wheel machine, so changing pitches takes less time.

Versatile and Easy to Transport- TriplePlay Basic moves easily to the field for batting and fielding practice - both groundballs and flyballs. Just lay it down and use the built-in transport wheels to push it across the field.

AC/DC Capability: If you play on a field without electric power the TriplePlay Basic’s DC capability means you won’t need a noisy generator. Just plug in the optional External HD Battery Pack and pitch for over four hours before recharging. The External HD Battery Pack comes complete with its own internal battery charger that fully recharges the battery overnight.

Warranty: TriplePlay Basic is backed by a one year warranty covering both parts and labor. Extended warranties available.

Type of balls- Standard or low seam baseballs, dimple or RIF baseballs
Pitch Speed- 30 to 80 MPH
Ball Exit Height- 53’ above ground
Dimensions - 60’H x 26’W x 23’D
Weight- 110 pounds
Power- 115V standard grounded outlet or optional 12 VDC battery pack


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