Kids' Shoes for Junior Tennis, Pickleball & Padel
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Keeping our youth interested in the game is much easier when they are wearing proper fitting junior tennis shoes and playing with the proper equipment.
An ill-fitting junior tennis shoe can cause blisters, crunched toes, calluses, ingrown toenails, and pinched nerves.
Follow these tips to ensure their feet are pain and injury free.
1. Both feet should be measured while in a standing position.
2. Bring the sport socks that will be worn with the junior tennis shoe.
3. Shop after school when their feet are the most swollen.
4. Utilize the top eyelet on the junior tennis shoes for a tight fit and maximum support.
5. Be sure the heel fits snugly in the junior tennis shoe and does not move in and out while walking around the store.
6. The tip of the longest toe should be an index finger width away from the end of the junior tennis shoes toe box.
7. The junior tennis shoe should cause no pain during a trial walk. If so, keep shopping.
8. Don’t purchase junior tennis shoes solely on style or price. Quality is a big factor.